Make It!¶
Grau, teurer Freund, ist alle Theorie und grün des Lebens goldner Baum. (German: All theory is gray, my dear friend, but green is the golden tree of activity)
—Mephisto, the devil, in “Faust”, J. W. von Geothe (1748-1832)
While tolerating an arbitrary level of ignorance, this section demonstrates how to come up quickly with a functional lexical analyzer. Here is a minimalist analyzer description.
token { OP_EQUAL; NUMBER; IDENTIFIER; } mode ONE_AND_ONLY { <<EOF>> => QUEX_TKN_TERMINATION; [ \t\r\n]+ {} [0-9]+ => QUEX_TKN_NUMBER(Lexeme); [_a-zA-Z]+ => QUEX_TKN_IDENTIFIER(Lexeme); }
The token section defines token identifier names. The mode section defines
the behavior of lexical analysis. The definition for <<EOF>>
tells that
upon ‘end-of-file’ the token QUEX_TKN_TERMINATION
is sent. Whitespace in
the form on space, tabulator any newline is ignored, it is associated with an
empty action {}
is sent, when a number occurs
signalizes a bunch of letters. The tokens for both
will carry the matching Lexeme
along. Let the aforementioned content be
stored in a file tiny.qx
. The command line below generates a lexical
> quex -i tiny.qx -o tiny --language C
The result is located in the subdirectory tiny
. Here is some code
that uses it.
#include <stdio.h> #include "tiny/tiny.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { tiny_Token* token_p = 0x0; tiny tlex; tiny_from_file_name(&tlex, "example.txt", /* Converter */NULL); while( tlex.error_code == E_Error_None ) { tlex.receive(&tlex, &token_p); printf("%s", tiny_map_token_id_to_name(token_p->id)); if( token_p->id == QUEX_TKN_TERMINATION ) break; printf(": %s\n", token_p->text); } tiny_destruct(&tlex); return 0; }
This is a C example where the constructor tiny_from_file_name()
and the
destructor tiny_destruct()
need to be called explicitly. A while
loop iterates
over the incoming tokens produced from the input file example.txt
. It ends
when an error occurs or the terminating token arrives. Inside the loop,
function tlex.receive()
initiates an analysis step and receives a token
pointed to by token_p
. Let the code be stored in lexer.c
. Then, the
command line:
> gcc lexer.c tiny/tiny.c -I. -o lexer
produces an application lexer
. Given a text file example.txt
the content below:
99 red balloons
and typing on the command line:
> ./lexer
delivers the output:
IDENTIFIER: balloons
Done. Using C++ instead of C, one needs to omit the --language C
option, i.e.:
> quex -i tiny.qx -o tiny
The code fragment to be stored in a file lexer.cpp
would be
#include <iostream>
#include "tiny/tiny"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
tiny_Token* token_p = 0x0;
tiny tlex("example.txt", /* Converter */NULL);
while( tlex.error_code == E_Error_None ) {
std::cout << token_p->id_name();
if( token_p->id == QUEX_TKN_TERMINATION ) break;
std::cout << ": " << token_p->text << std::endl;
return 0;
It may be compiled with:
> g++ lexer.cpp tiny/tiny.cpp -I. -o lexer
This command line for C++ causes the same results as before for C. The aforementioned examples for C and C++ were copy-pasted from the demos. Indeed, the demo subdirectories contain a variety of functional applications. Each one has its nitty-gritty problems solved. They are perfect starting points for someone’s own particular project.
Demo Applications¶
In the subdirectories of the distribution’s directory demo/
a set of
example applications are located for each programming language. The following
list associates the directory names with the subject on which the example
- 00-Minimalist/:
The example explained in this section.
- 01-Trivial/:
A trivial example that goes slightly beyond the minimal.
- 02-ModesAndStuff/:
Modes, mode transitions, mode inheritance.
- 03-Indentation/:
Parsing scopes based on indentation (such as in Python).
- 04-ConvertersAndBOM/:
Character encoding conversions using ICU and IConv. The byte-order-make (BOM).
- 05-LexerForC/:
A lexer for the C programming language.
- 06-Include/:
Including files during lexical analysis.
- 07-TrailingPostContext/:
Dealing with the dangerous trailing context.
- 08-DeletionAndPriorityMark/:
Reordering pattern-action pairs in the mode inheritance hierarchy.
- 09-WithBisonParser/:
Connecting a lexical analyzer to a Bison generated parser.
- 10-SocketsAndTerminal/:
Feeding lexical analysis from sockets and by the console.
- 11-ManualBufferFilling/:
Feeding the lexical analysis’ buffer manually, rather than relying on input streams.
- 12-EngineEncoding/:
Encoding a lexical analyzer engine, rather than using converted input.
- 13-MultipleLexers/:
Using multiple lexical analyzers in one application.
- 14-MultipleLexersSameToken/:
Using a common generated token class in multiple lexical analyzers.
- 15-FuzzyMatch/:
Levenshtein, PseudoDamerau and edit distance functions for fuzzy matches.
- 16-OsalEmbedded/:
Example of an embedded application relying on Quex’s ‘tiny stdlib’.
Each directory contains a Makefile
and a CMakeLists.txt
For UNIX users, that means that typing:
> make
is sufficient to produce a functional application. In other cases,
many IDEs can actually read CMakeLists.txt
directly. Else, the
option lets cmake
generate the desired build environment,
for example:
> cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 ARM"
generates a build environment for Visual Studio™ for ARM™ devices.
The goal of this tiny chapter was to make it possible to quickly implement a lexical analyzer. However, recalling the quote from “Faust”, it was the devil who brings up the temptations of functional ignorance. For the sake of virtue and to avoid the dangers of deficient expertise, the following chapters shall provide insights to safely contain lexical analyzer generation.
العِلمُ قَبلَ القَولِ وَ العَملِ (Arabic: Science must always preceed speech and action)
—Famous chapter title in “As Saheeh”, M. Al Bukhary (810-870)