Subtyping, or type polymorphism, in object-oriented programming is a mechanism to establish a relationship of substitutability. This, so called Liskov Substitution [#f1]_ Liskov1999behavioral, means that if type B is a subtype of A, then any instance of B may be used where an A is expected. Inheritance [#f2]_ is different from subtyping [] as it does not guarantee behavioral substitutability [#f3]_. It is a mechanism to build a new type on the basis of an existing type, i.e. re-using its implementation. Nevertheless, it is common practice to use inheritance to express subtype relationships and commonality Tempero2013programmers.
Modes can be related by inheritance, but not by subtyping. That is,
if mode DERIVED
is inherits mode BASE
, then DERIVED
all patterns matched by BASE
plus some additional ones. It also receives
all event handlers defined in BASE
. However, DERIVED
cannot be
expected to play seamlessly the role of BASE
because it may match other
things. An example is shown below.
mode BASE { "print" => QUEX_TKN_PRINT(); }
mode DERIVED : BASE { [a-z]+ => QUEX_TKN_IDENTIFIER(Lexeme); }
The mode BASE
above is expected to send a PRINT
token when the lexeme
occurs and fails on anything else. The derived mode DERIVED
sends PRINT
upon the occurrence of print
, but it does not fail on
anything else. Instead on any sequence of lowercase letters it sends the
Each mode defines an interpretation language. If one mode was to be substituted by another one seamlessly, on the same input sequence, both must be identical. Inheritance relationships are nonsensical in this case. Practically, mode inheritance means that a base mode implements things which are present in multiple derived modes to reduce code duplication and prevent divergence of common features. Features which are present in a base mode are an expression of commonality between all derived modes. Features in a derived mode express a derived mode’s speciality. The following subsections explore how inheritance affects the different mode elements.
Pattern-Action Pairs
For a derived mode, inheriting pattern-action pairs is equivalent to pasting a base mode’s pattern-action pairs in front of its own. Thus, base mode patterns have precedence over a mode’s own patterns [#f4]_.
mode BASE {
keyword_list { for; while; if; else; }
[0-9]+ => QUEX_TKN_NUMBER(Lexeme);
In the example above, BASE
matches some keywords. DERIVED
matches the
same keywords, but also integer numbers. This definition of DERIVED
equivalent to the one below where patterns are pasted manually.
mode DERIVED {
keyword_list { for; while; if; else; }
[0-9]+ => QUEX_TKN_NUMBER(Lexeme);
Event Handlers
An event handler in a derived mode cannot overwrite the event handler of a base mode. Also, event handler code is not aggregated. An event handler must only be defined once in the inheritance tree of a mode. Forbidding overwriting and code aggregation follows the spirit of subtyping–assuming that it might be very counter intuitive, if a derived mode and its base mode behave differently on the same event. Code aggregation of event handlers, shattered in the inheritance tree, would cause problems of traceability. The rational conclusion is to impose uniqueness of an event handler in a mode’s inheritance tree.
An emerging need to implement an event handler in a derived mode which has
already been defined in a base mode, actually, indicates a need for redesign.
In the example below, all modes A
, B
, and C
are derived from
. However, C
requires to modify on_failure
, which it cannot.
mode BASE { on_failure { /* do something */ } ... }
mode A : BASE { /* inherit BASE's on_failure */ } ... }
mode B : BASE { /* inherit BASE's on_failure */ } ... }
mode C : BASE { on_failure { /* do something else */ } ... } // ERROR
To solve this situation, the base modes may be split in a way so that C
shares all commonalities, except for the on_failure
handler. An auxiliary
behaves like BASE
but has the on_failure
handler which is required by A
and B
mode BASE { ... }
mode ON_FAILURE : BASE { on_failure { /* do something */ } ... }
mode A : ON_FAILURE { /* inherit BASE_2's on_failure */ } ... }
mode B : ON_FAILURE { /* inherit BASE_2's on_failure */ } ... }
mode C : BASE { on_failure { /* do something else */ } ... } // OK
Counters must be defined uniquely in an inheritance tree. Again, it would be repugnant to if a derived mode’s counting behavior was different from its base mode.
Indentation Handlers
Indentation handlers must be uniquely defined in an inheritance tree.
Skippers are by their nature aggregative. In a single mode any number of skipper definitions may occur. Adding skippers in a derived mode only adds behavior to what is expected from the base mode.
Entry- and Exit-Permissions
Entry- and exit-permissions are inherited differently depending on the
inheritance happening at the beginning or the destination of a mode transition
option. Let X
be a some mode unrelated to BASE
Fig. 27 Transition to a mode X
from a base mode and its derived mode.¶
In figure Transition to a mode X from a base mode and its derived mode. a mode BASE
contains a transition
to an unrelated mode X
. A transition from DERIVED
towards X
because it is inherited from BASE
. In the spirit of data abstraction,
the derived mode not have to bother about becoming implicitly the start
mode of a transition, though. Consequently, the following is necessary for
the inherited transition to work.
BASE : <exit: X>
implies thatDERIVED
is permitted to exit towardsX
X : <entry: BASE>
implies thatX
permits entry fromDERIVED
Fig. 28 Transition from a mode X
to base mode its derived mode.¶
Figure Transition to a mode X from a base mode and its derived mode. shows transitions from an unrelated
mode X
. The terminal mode of a transition
is always explicit (e.g. GOTO(DERIVED)
). Thus, there is no need to
inherit exit and entry restrictions, so it holds that
X : <exit: BASE>
does not imply, thatX
may exit towardsDERIVED
BASE : <entry: X>
does not imply, thatDERIVED
may be entered fromX
Multiple Inheritance
The value of multiple inheritance, i.e. the derivation from more than one base at the same time, is disputed in the computer science community [], []. Quex permits the derivation from more than one base mode. With single inheritance, the sequence of inheritance is always linear. Multiple inheritance, however, implies the possibility of inheritance trees with forks in it. The sequence of collecting mode characteristics in these trees is subject to the linearization rules [#f5]_ below:
A base mode has precedence over its derived mode.
The precedence of multiple base modes follows the sequence of specification.
No mode is treated twice.
The following example explores rules 1 and 2.
mode A : B, C { ... }
mode B : D { ... }
Since A
is derived from B
and C
, the latter two have precedence
over A
. According to rule 2 B
has precedence over C
, because it is
mentioned before in the list. According to rule 1, D
’s content, however,
has precedence over its derived mode B
’s content. Consequently,
the precedence chain is D
, B
, C
, and A
. Multiple
inheritance implies the potential of the diamond problem
[], such as in the example below.
. . code-block:: cpp
mode A : B, C { … } mode B : D { … } mode C : D { … }
Here, mode A
inherits from D
via B
and via C
. If there was no
rule 3, then according to rule 1 D
has a higher precedence than B
because B
is derived from D
. According to rule 2 C
and its
base modes have lesser precedence than B
. Therefore, D
must have
a lower precedence than B
. The precedence relation between D
contradictory. With rule 3, however, D
is reached first by
diving along mode B
. Once its content is aggregated it is no longer
considered when reached by the path of C
The precedence chain for latter example is D
, B
, C
, and A
. It
is the same as in the previous example. In other words, if a mode A
derived from a base mode which is-a mode Z
, then the fact that another
base mode is-a Z
does not change anything. In the upshot, A
When working with multiple inheritance, it is advisable to have a look at the
documentation string which is generated alongside the lexer code. Assume the
modes from the diamond problem matching only four patterns, namely alpha
, gamma
, and delta
, then the generated code might contain a
table in a comment similar to the following.
/* MODE A:
* ( 75) D: "delta"
* ( 76) B: "beta"
* ( 77) C: "gamma"
* ( 78) A: "alpha"
The first column gives the precedence index that was created for the pattern. The second column tells from what mode the pattern was inherited and the third column displays the pattern itself.
Controlling Inheritance
There is a mode tag to control inheritance: <inheritable: arg>
. It
accepts three possible settings for arg
, as they are namely.
- yes¶
The mode can be used as base mode and it is also implemented. This is the default setting.
- only¶
The mode can only serve as a base mode. It is not implemented.
- no¶
The mode cannot serve as a base mode, but it is implemented.